Journal Of The JSICM TITLE

Contents  Vol.2 No.1 JANUARY 1995


        Significance of Inspection of Nasal Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus(MRSA) Organisms in Critically-Ill Patients and Medical Staffs 3

Sumihito KINOSHITA,Fumiaki TANAKA,Hirotaka HATATE
Toshihide SATO,Ichiro KUIKITA,Mitsuro KUROSE,Kazufumi OKAMOTO

        A New Scoring System for Predicting the Need for Postoperative Mechanical Ventilation in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis 7

Koh KANEDA,Keisuke AMAHA,Naohumi TANAKA,
Yutaka SAITOH,YOoshio HIKAWA,Katsuhisa YASUDA